Angular Components

Angular components are the fundamental building blocks of an Angular application. They are responsible for defining the structure and behaviour of different parts of your web application’s user interface. Components are a core concept in Angular and follow a component-based architecture, making it easier to manage and organize the code of your application.

Here are some key points about Angular components:

Component Structure: An Angular component typically consists of three main parts: the component class, an HTML template, and a CSS style sheet. The class defines the component’s behavior, the HTML template describes how the component is rendered in the browser, and the CSS styles define its appearance.

Component Metadata: Components are decorated with metadata using the @Component decorator. This metadata includes information such as the selector (the custom HTML element name to use in templates), the template or templateUrl (the HTML template), and styleUrls (the CSS styles).

Data Binding: Angular components use data binding to display dynamic data in the template. Data binding can be one-way (from component to template) or two-way (bidirectional between component and template).

Input and Output Properties: Components can have input properties, which allow data to be passed into the component, and output properties, which allow events to be emitted from the component to its parent or containing components.

Lifecycle Hooks: Angular components have a series of lifecycle hooks that allow you to respond to specific events in the component’s lifecycle. These include ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, and more.

Reusability: Components are designed to be reusable. You can use the same component in multiple parts of your application, and they can be composed together to create complex user interfaces.

Dependency Injection: Components can have dependencies injected into their constructor. This allows you to access services, other components, and various resources.

Hierarchical Structure: Angular applications often have a hierarchical structure of components, with parent-child relationships. This structure helps in creating complex UIs with encapsulated and reusable components.

Here’s a basic example of an Angular component:

Copy code
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;

selector: ‘app-sample’,
templateUrl: ‘./sample.component.html’,
styleUrls: [‘./sample.component.css’]
export class SampleComponent {
title = ‘Hello, Angular!’;
In this example, SampleComponent is an Angular component with a simple template that displays the “Hello, Angular!” message. The @Component decorator is used to define the component’s metadata, including the selector, template, and styles.

You can use the app-sample selector in your HTML templates to include this component in your application.

Components play a crucial role in structuring and organizing your Angular application, and they are central to building dynamic, interactive web applications.

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